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when i was a high school student, i’ve finished this book in chinese. but when i read it in english, i really gain something new both in the way of expression and the spirit it shows to us. may be different ages to read the same book we will learn different things from it. at least, for my part, that is true.

firstly, i would like to review some information about this book. such as the background, major characters and the topic of it.

the old man and the sea is a story by ernest hemingway, written in cuba in 1951 and published in 1952. it was the last major work of fiction to be produced by hemingway and published in his lifetime. one of his most famous works, it centers upon santiago, an aging cuban fisherman who struggles with a giant marlin far out in the gulf stream.

the old man and the sea served to reinvigorate hemingway's literary reputation and prompted a reexamination of his entire body of work. the novella was initially received with much popularity; it restored many readers' confidence in hemingway's capability as an author. its publisher, scribner's, on an early dust jacket, called the novella a "new classic," and many critics favorably compared it with such works as william faulkner's "the bear" and herman melville's moby-dick.

the old man santiago from the old man and the sea is a character seen in many perspectives, as a hero, an ordinary fisherman, an unlucky old man, and a wise man. throughout the novella he is made out as a person of motivation, passion, and hope. despite what others do or do not think he is a man of action, and not one consumed by regret. the young and old villagers’ view of santiago is an important one, but not a differentiating one. the villagers are split into two groups. the older fishermen that respect santiago and wish him luck, and the younger fishermen that see him as little more than bad luck. while neither group is particularly important to the plot, each of their views sets an ambiance of santiago forthcoming adventure. without their views santiago would be little more than a lucky old fisherman. santiago has a resolute grip upon reality and lives by it. he sees himself as a man with little direction but enough determination and experience to live. he chose not to see what others thought but instead lived by how he perceived the world. his constant struggles and his persistent resolve to overcome the marlin and himself show his earnest desires to live and fish.

the boy is a crucial element to santiago world. mandolin is always at the edge of santiago mind when he thinks of convenience. at times with the fish, santiago thinks to the boy and then to his own lack of ability. he may deny it,but at times it is his relationship with the boy that both makes him realize he needs help, and compels him to go on.

christian imagery and concepts are important assets to the old fisherman personality. he is seen as a kind man, and although expresses his frustration towards certain points, only conveys his anger towards the evil representation of the sharks. his kind, infinite eyes, and he carrying his mast like jesus and his cross only augment his christ-like personage. his loneliness and greatness are both shown as mandolin is assigned a new boat after 40 days with santiago, the same length of time as christ spent in the wilderness.

santiago change at the end of the novella turns him into almost a universal hero. by being at sea, his ventures were never limited and the events of the story just seemed to happen. after he rebukes himself for his arrogance with the marlin, santiago goes home and dreams of the lions playing in africa, signaling a cycle of a child-like rebirth through mandolin.

throughout the story many aspects can be found about santiago personality merely by the content of his 3-day fight with the marlin. the ideology that encompasses the story is only consumed by santiago pure will to persevere. certainly santiago is a man of many themes and personality traits.


i also like the reporter that hawking is too much to lose his life, a moment can not leave the wheelchair, and the body is only three with the fingers active, the exchange is also extremely difficult. fate is unfair to hawking's answer made me very surprised. hawking with his a grateful heart, touched everyone. he replied: "my fingers can move, my big brain can think. i have the ideal of life, i love and love my family and friends. yes, i have a grateful heart` `` `` ``

he confronted his fate, he did not feel lost a lot. but feel that they still have many.

i read very moved, after the tremor in the mind. i also thought for a long time. suddenly, my brain flashed a text of the sea: the most important thing is to have a soul, to have thought, the most important thing is to have a grateful heart. as long as a person has these, he is not useless people. a person with these, he is not useless people. a person has these, is owned, is happy, is the happiness of the `` `` ``

hawking, a terminally ill person, he can use the optimistic attitude to look at life, fate. with a grateful heart to treat people and things around. and we, a normal person, can not do it?

no, no. as long as i have a grateful yan, is a brain thinking, we can make their own lofty. there is a saying well: "people are not necessarily great, but they can make their own noble.

i admire hawking, he used an ordinary person can not imagine the perseverance and gratitude of the heart to overcome the disease. his constant quest for the spirit of impressed me.

the life of the strong, scientific master, i will always be admired, is my goal.

2, recently, we on the "wheelchair hawking" article, after reading the text, i have been touched by the story of hawking that shocked.

hawking in the united kingdom at the age of 21 suffering from lu gale's disease, soon to be long-term imprisonment in a wheelchair. but he insisted on fighting for the cause of science to contribute. once again at the academic report, hawking once again to his charisma and the scientific spirit of seeking to move all the people: my fingers can be activities, my fingers can think; i have a lifelong pursuit of the ideal, i love and love my family and friends; yes, i have a grateful heart ""

yes ah, if i was the hawking, i will think: fate is too cruel to me, so i lost too much. hawking replied with a smile of this passage, in my mind deeply engraved. he not only does not complain about the fate of his injustice, but thanks to fate left him a finger.

fate does not fall down a person, will only make people strong, and hawking is such a person. he faced various hardships of life and not pessimistic retreat, he defeated himself, defeated the life, become a strong life. even face more of the failure, but also to move forward, struggle in the end. looking back at the past, a retreat on the difficulties to shrink, hesitated. once, because the application did not understand a solution to the mother inadvertently said the sentence: "really a stupid." and there is no confidence in their own.

i admire hawking, admire him no matter how much difficulty encountered, are constantly to pursue, so as to achieve success. the life of the strong, scientific master, i will always be the most admired people, is my goal!

3, "he sat in a wheelchair for 40 years, the body only three fingers move, however, he wrote the scientific book" a brief history of time "in the world has numerous readers" "" whenever read this passage , i can not help but praise hawking - you are really a person who is stubborn!

hawking's fate is very rough. shortly after graduating from cambridge, he was paralyzed by lugaré's disease, and in 1985 hawking was deprived of his ability to speak. "" although fate was unfair to hawking, he was unimaginable in this unthinkable hard to become a scientific giant, was elected to the youngest member of the royal society, became a big scientist like newton to become one of the lucason professor of mathematics! he continued to explore the scientific spirit and courageous tenacious personality strength deeply touched me.

after reading this text, i deeply sentiment: hawking, although disabled, but his thinking is not disabled, he brought us knowledge, give us strength!hawking is in the disease anytime, anywhere can take away his life, there is no pessimistic back, with amazing perseverance and courageous tenacious personality to face up to fate, tirelessly explore the mysteries of the universe, a strong and strong young people are can not complete the exploration of cosmology, not to mention the sick hawking! this is the hawking spirit!

i must learn from hawking, study hard every day, the future will become the pillar of the country, add luster to the motherland for the country, for the community to make greater contributions to the construction of the great motherland more prosperous and strong!


british emphasis on education, not only in the uk gathered in the world's most famous and oldest schools, colleges and universities, and there are some new and most innovative institutions. education is a permanent topic of discussion ... education is not only a matter of repeated thinking for the teacher, but also to parents and students to pay more attention. britain is a country with a long tradition of education. its education system after several hundred years of evolution, quite perfect and complex, and has a very large flexibility. in general, it is divided into three stages: compulsory education, continuing education and higher education.

british people generally believe that the spoil of children and spoiled children is the biggest obstacle to the formation of independent enable children to adapt to the needs of society in the future, to live independently, work, must be small to develop their ability to live independently, so that they learn to respect others and self-restraint, aware of their behavior responsible. if the child can not adapt to society in the future as other people, as parents can not fulfill the responsibility of education.

british schools in the moral education is not called moral education, and called "personal social health education", or "social process", the british schools generally do not have a special moral education course, but the creation of including buddhism and taoism, including a variety of the world's major religious beliefs for the elective. this course is considered a child's moral and conscience is very important to cultivate a course. . the purpose is to let them know the basic truth of ordinary life, how to integrate into society self-discipline, as part of society. core moral values are four: respect for life, fair, honest and trustworthy.

the british also have the notion that "morality is infected, not taught." it is reflected in the british primary and secondary school moral education, that is, do not require children to memorize moral norms, but requires children from the depths of the heart, from daily life to understand and understand the ethics.

the family is the cradle of child growth. in the uk family, absolutely do not see the children of no reason to spoil, the wrong child will be corrected or even punished. parents tend to respect the child's independent personality under the premise of strict control of the children, so that they understand that their behavior is not without marginal, can not do whatever they h law clearly stipulates that parents allow their children to corporal punishment, so far many schools still retain the rules of corporal punishment of students.

chinese university lecturers more dedicated, always pay close attention to the classroom 90 minutes continuously instill new knowledge, as chinese students are also more difficult, every day to digest a lot of ts from china's higher education institutions often have deep and solid theoretical foundation, because in china to learn more, the final results are usually determined by the final exam. in the uk, before the start of each course, the instructor will explain the time required to master this course, generally 100 hours per course, of which 70 hours are left to the students to read and study by themselves.

usually in the classroom, the teacher will send their own printed information, but the coverage of knowledge is relatively small, so in the first lesson, the teacher will recommend students to buy or borrow some of the relevant books, and foreign students from small education is based on knowledge, practical ability is also very strong.

"in the uk, high school, the teacher will each student as the best students, insist that every student has a bright spot." students said: "in the uk high school, sports is the main course, mathematics is "in fact, in the final analysis, the domestic education is mainly mainly in the examination, the first test; in the uk is not, the students of the comprehensive development is the more important.

uk 9 am classes, 50 minutes each, after 4 pm is the student's free a teaching arrangement for many people mistakenly think that the british students learning is easy, its

it is true that each course in the uk is composed of two parts, the report or the paper accounted for part of the final exam accounted for another part of the completion of either of the two will affect the final outcome of a single subject. in foreign countries, write a paper is very particular about, citing the point of view of others must be marked on the source and author, or to identify cheating, cheating in foreign countries may be to court, very serious.

foreign attention to teamwork, most of the work is done in the case of the team, especially in the uk business. they like a group of different cultural backgrounds, different ideas, so contact with more culture will undoubtedly be very popular in the uk, of course, the premise of teamwork is not hindered by language, english is quite good. teamwork inside, you will find foreign students to speak and write ability is very strong, which is completely inferior to the chinese students, the individual may think that chinese students in the test scores on the edge, but the capacity is still better than the british students , which is the gap between china's education, foreign education is the ability to train.

we can not critically say that china's education is good or the uk's education is good, perhaps in some aspects of china's education is not so targeted in the united kingdom, but in some respects chinese education is still very worthy of our trust. in the face of british education we should do is to take its essence to its dregs, a selective reference is desirable, such as "moral is infected, rather than being taught," this view is worthy of our thinking, and capacity-building focus on the combination of theory and practice, as well as the affirmation of the students, for the domestic "to take the test scores as a student to assess whether the only standard of excellence," this approach is not acceptable to all students, i believe most students will more like the evaluation criteria abroad, it is not so absolute.


the president of usa is not only head of the state and the government, but also administrative departments of the supreme leader and army commander, usually called ent. there are 44 presidents in the history of the united states. abraham lincoln is the 16th one who maintained the unity of the nation and abolished the slavery that influenced the nation much. he is the first republican president and also ranked among the greatest president ranked first. usa once held a poll in 20__--"the greatest americans", lincoln was elected america figure of second. he is one of the most popular presidents.

on february 12, 1809, abraham lincoln was born in a poor family in hardin county in kentucky prefecture. his parents are descendants of british immigrants, taking farming and he was young, he helped the family move firewood, water, do farm work and so 1816, lincoln's family moved to indiana southwest. at his age of 9, his mother died who was just 36 years old. second years, his father married a kindness and enlightened woman named sarah bush, and the family lived happily. because of poverty, his education degree wasn't high. in order to earn money, he was a ferry worker on the ohio river and a plantation worker when he was young.

lincoln is a man who loves reading. at his young age, he read all the writings of shakespeare and "american history", also read lots of books about history and became a learned and wisdom man through self-study. he ran for state senator that meant he embarked on a political road since 1832. finally he was elected president in 1860. in the 28 years, he has undergone a lot of difficulties that normal people cannot imagine. eight elections, eight voted out, twice failed in business, and even once mental collapse, many times, he could give up, but he didn't. just because of not giving up, he became one of the greatest presidents in the history of teacher of the revolution marx highly evaluated lincoln, "he is a man who will not be scared by difficulties, not to confuse for success, he refuse to be cowed or submit to his great goal, but never act rashly and blindly, he steadily forward, and never back;...... in a word, he is a rare character that achieved the great realm and still maintained his excellent quality". owing to his view of abolishing slavery, lincoln's election, threatened the benefits of the southern plantation owners. they certainly don't want a man who advocates the abolition of slavery as their president. then the civil war broke out in 1861.

at the beginning of the war, lincoln tried to seek the policy that compromised with the southern plantation owners. with the military losing ground, lincoln realized that to abolish slavery truly, there must have sacrifice, peaceful means can not solve any problems. if they want to win the war, they must transfer the enthusiasm of farmers, abolish the slavery, and liberate black slaves .in 1862 may, lincoln signed the homestead act. this measure eliminated the possibility of southern slave owners to seize the western land fundamentally, but also met the urgent needs of the peasants, greatly stimulated the enthusiasm of farmers to participate in. on january 1, 1863,

"emancipation proclamation" was promulgated formally, announced the abolition of slavery in the rebel states today, the liberated slaves can call in the union army. announced the slaves free, fundamentally undermined the rebels' fighting force, meanwhile, the yankees had abundant 1864, lincoln put forward slogan that "the people, by the people". it enhanced troop's morale. in april, 1865, the yankees achieved victory in the civil war, meaning the war that lasted four years ended. the civil war is called the second revolution after the war of independence. lincoln became a symbol of black liberation.

because lincoln can adapt to the demand of the masses, destroyed slavery in a revolutionary way, and solved the people's demand for land in the civil war of the most critical juncture, thus he promoted the development of america's capitalism, and made important contributions to safeguard national unity and liberate black slaves. due to the excellent achievements of abraham lincoln, he was elected as america's president again on november 8, 1864. however, lincoln haven't put his post-war policies into effect, tragedy happened. because slave owners hatred lincoln extremely. on april 14, 1865 night at ten fifteen, fifth days after the surrender of the southern army. lincoln was attacked by an assassin in ford theatre in washington. lincoln's unfortunate death caused a huge shock at home and abroad. american people conveyed profound condolences to him, about 7,000,000 people stood mourning funeral procession on both sides of the road, and there are 1,500,000 people looked at lincoln's face with reverence.

lincoln was buried in his hometown -- illinois springfield. his wife was later buried in there, too. so far, motor vehicle license plate of illinois's self-proclaimed "state of lincoln". in 1867, to commemorate lincoln, one of the greatest presidents in american's history, the county town of lancaster county, renamed the lincoln, and became the state's capital.

although not to receive advanced education, lincoln has excellent eloquence and grace, the direct embodiment is the famous gettysburg address. the last sentence became the definition of modern democratic government: to enable us to get free living under god in this country, the government of the people, by the people and for the people, shall not perish from the earth. there are four presidential giant statues in the rushmore national park, lincoln's is in the right. lincoln memorial in the capital of america-- washington ,is located on the national mall, is one of the most famous monuments of the national.

lincoln is an outstanding statesman, also a distinguished lawyer. in order to promote the development of american social, abraham lincoln has made tremendous contributions. he gained american's respect, his popularity even more than washington in american's mind. remembered for his integrity, kindness and strong personality, he has been one of the american history's most admired president. historians regard washington as the father, while lincoln as the national salvation. in american, the third monday of february each year is the "president's day", to commemorate the two great leaders. in brief, abraham lincoln is the influential president in the american history.


i am cheerful, honest, optimistic, honest and prudent, serious and responsible and pragmatic attitude, with strong ability to adapt, has engaged in professional social work practice enthusiasm. i want to give a community the opportunity to practice the profession in the work of the director to play through in a different environment of continuous learning, continuous efforts to adapt to evolving social demands, hope you can give me a platform to show. thank you!

strong perception & intellect; with widen and swift thinking; able to be quickly adapted to different environmenet.

diligent; with sureness; responsible; everytime fulfil my duties to my own work.

conscientiously, absorbedly work in a planned and order way; pursue the perfection.

good image; temperate, calm and steady personality; strong affinity; good at getting along with people.

patient; have holding capacity to pressure and setback.


of course, i have always liked stephen hawking, like his book, today saw benedict played hawking, i know i must cry, i simmering, the last moment or not hold back, tears out of the eyes. with regard to hawking's success, to the scientific community, how much significance of human, i needless to say, on his love of science, life does not give up the spirit of how worthy of our admiration, i do not need to say, so i want to another angle to talk about, i see "hawking" feeling. i would like to say in particular that, apart from hawking itself, behind the support of his people, gave him what effect, i think this is the film you want to express one of the themes.

first, talk about his parents, especially his mother. some people say that this is the british, they can survive anything. in his parents had just learned that hawking had failed to save the sick, but two years, i thought his parents would like our ordinary parents, like holding crying, but the plot here deeply shocked me, he parents' dialogue is this:

father: when he was young he asked me where the stars came from, and i told him i did not know, but do not worry, i'll ask people to ask, ... but until now, i did not give him an answer, but he was so eager to know the : (she is not as fragile as the average woman, she is very calm and said) you never a sentimental person, and if you become sentimental i can not accept. how long can he live?

father: up to two years.

mother: (shocking scene) you have to support him! we must support him!we must carry on, and now he's going back to cambridge and going back to his life. so his father was the mother of encouragement, immediately restored the fighting spirit, accompanied his son drove to cambridge.

the second time in hawking serious condition, even the doctors told him that the hospital has no way to do anything for you, the doctors have to give up hawking, hawking very discouraged, this time, but also his greatparents once again firmly supported him. is still his mother, firm on his father said: we must support him! we can not give him up!

so his father and his son went to the front, facing almost self-giving son yelled: i have not given up your (i have not washed my hands on you)! hear no, you must stick to it!

so, in the success of hawking on the road to his parents credit, when his father was hawking instructor informed, hawking completed a following einstein after the very great cause of the time, his father's eyes flash with light, i was deeply moved.

the second to say is hawking's mentor.

the first time when hawking was enrolled, his father asked the mentor to give him an easy task to complete within two years (before his death), but the instructor refused. he said he must treat science and students equally. , respect for the facts, can not give hawking special. such a strict requirement, which led to hawking even in the last of life did not give up - of course, although we all feel that he can only live for two years, but the fact that his strong live to the present.

his mentor has been a constant cosmology supporters, once hawking in front of other teachers face criticism of others doctrine, attitude is very rebellious, so the teacher called to talk. hawking that the mentor and his disagreement because of their exclusion, did not expect the mentor actually said such a passage:

my father is a ... factory boss, he wants me to inherit his factory, when i told him i want to do physicist when he was very angry, he said that unless i won a scholarship or he will not give me a penny , he thought i could not do, but i did ... ... the way in science, you will be surrounded by countless voices to tell you that this is you can not do. this is why i choose to become a teacher, i will not leave because of disagreement to stop my students do he want to do any research! do it, do only belong to you, your original things, you want to do!

this passage deeply shocked me, science needs the spirit of seeking truth from facts, even in the scientific community, fame, exclusion of alien things are many, and the mentor has a great conscience, without him, no the conversation, hawking will not dare to think so.


at the age of 19 months, helen keller was a happy, healthy girl. she could already say a few words. unfortunately, she had a high fever which caused her to become deaf and blind. no longer could she see nor hear. the fever cut her off from the outside world, depriving her of sight and sound. it was as if she had been thrown into a dark prison cell from which there could be no release. she felt lost.

after that, she began to explore the world by using her other senses. she learned to do many things this way. for example, she could recognize people by feeling of their faces or their clothes.

she made up signs with her hands so she could "talk" to her family. she had 60 different signs. helen was a very bright child. soon she found herself was different from other children——she couldn't talk. this made her so angry that she used to hurl herself around the room, kicking and screaming in frustration.

the family knew they had to do something to help her. so, just before her seventh birthday, the family hired a private tutor — anne sullivan. anne taught helen the signs for the letters of the alphabet. then she would "spell" the words in helen's hand to communicate with her. one day anne led helen to the water pump and pumped water on her hand. she spelled the letters w-a-t-e-r as the water ran over helen's hand. she did this over and over again. at last it dawned on helen that the word "water" meant the water which she felt pouring over her hand. this opened up a whole new world for her. she ran everywhere asking anne the name of different things and anne would spell the words in her hand.

helen had an amazing memory, and she also had skills very few people have ever been able to develop. she could put her fingers to a person's lips and understand the words which were being spoken.

while she was in college she wrote her book called "the story of my life". with the money she earned from the book she could afford a house.

she became famous and traveled around the world speaking to

groups of people. she met many important and well-known people as she traveled.

after her death in 1968 an organization was set up in her name to combat blindness in the developing world. today that agency, helen keller international, is one of the biggest organizations working with blind people overseas.

i am touched by how firm helen is. compared to her, we are much healthier and live a happier life. after reading the story of her, i get to know how necessary we should enjoy our life. and i realize that if you keep working hard, you will succeed sooner or later. helen will always be remembered as a heroine in my mind.

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