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在天王殿的东西两侧,种植着许多石榴树。人们说 “五月石榴红似火”,但在白马寺却恰恰相反,因为这里的石榴颜色是白色的。每至农历四五月份,树上开满了石榴花,晶莹洁白,如玉似雪,十分好看,真是“五月榴花白如雪”。




这里的塑像,据说是他最后一次讲经说法时的形象,此次讲经,他并不讲话,叫做“不语说法”,只用右手持一朵鲜花,让众人猜测,即所谓“涅磐会上”“捻花示众”。大佛胸口 字符号,表示大佛“福德无量”,“万德圆融”,所以身有瑞相,表示“吉祥之所集”,武则天定此符号读音为“万”。









殿内天棚上。画有鲜艳的莲花图案;殿中央,这个巨大的木雕贴金双层佛龛,精雕细刻,金碧辉煌 ,看起来十分壮观。在上层龛额正中,浮雕着一只大鹏金翅鸟,鸟吻人身。在鹏金翅鸟的两边,还各浮雕有三条龙。佛教传说,大鹏金翅鸟最喜欢吃龙,龙万般无奈,只好找如来佛“告状”,如来佛即从所披袈裟之上抽出一束丝,用一根丝覆盖一条龙。从此,龙受到如来佛的保护,不再担心受大鹏鸟之害了。如来佛又运用神通,让供品变化的无限多,用供品代龙,满足了大鹏金翅鸟的要求,解决了双方的矛盾,龙、鸟皆大欢喜。佛龛上的图案,大概就源于这个佛教传说故事吧。












































现在我们来到齐云塔院。此院位于白马寺山门外东南约200米处,齐云塔是一座方形密檐工砖塔,十三层,高约25米。齐云塔外形呈抛物线,造型别致,玲珑妩媚。据寺内现存宋代刻石记载。齐云塔初建于东汉永平十二年,即公元69年,创建白马寺的第二年,应该是中国最古老的一座佛塔。现存的砖塔,则为金大定十五年(公元1175年)年建,已有八百多年的历史,是洛阳一带地面现存最早的古建筑,1990年齐云塔被辟为河南 省第一座比丘尼道场。
















关于白马寺的创建,最流行的一种说法即“白马驮经”说。据在关佛籍记载,东汉永平七年的一天晚上,汉明帝刘庄(刘秀之子)夜宿南宫,梦见一个身高丈六,头顶放光的金人自西方而来,在殿庭飞绕。第二天早上,汉明帝召集大臣,把这个梦告诉给大臣们,博士傅毅启奏道:臣听说,西方有神,人们称其为佛,就像您梦到的那样。汉明帝听罢,信以为真,于是就派大臣蔡音、秦景等十余人出使西域拜求佛经、佛法。蔡音等人于公元65年,告别帝都,踏上了“西天取经”的万里征途。在大月氏国(今阿富汗境至中亚一带),遇到印度高僧摄摩腾、竺法兰,见到了佛经和释迦牟尼佛白毡像,诚恳邀请二位高僧东赴中国弘法布教。永平十年(公元67年),二位印度高僧应邀和东汉使者一道,用白马驮载佛经、佛像同返国都洛阳。汉明帝见到佛经、佛像,十分高兴,对二位高僧极为礼重,亲自予以接待,并安排他们在当时负责外交事务的官署鸿胪寺暂住。公元68年,汉明帝敕令在洛阳西雍门外三里御道北兴建僧院。为纪念白马驮经之,因此取名“白马寺”。“寺”字即源于鸿胪寺之 “寺”字。再后来“寺”字便成了中国寺院的一种泛称。




山门东侧,为元代所遗存的《洛京白马寺祖庭记》碑,通高3.5米,宽1.15米,碑额“洛京白马寺祖庭记”八字为篆书。此碑立于元代至顺四年(公元1333年),由元代华严名僧仲华文才撰文,内有“上梦金人,自西飞至,身光炜,以迟旦告所梦于臣下”,“遣遵偕郎中蔡音、秦景等十八人,西访至天竺,遇沙门迦摄摩腾、竺法兰 ”等句子,碑文称白马寺为“祖庭”和“释源”,并说“释源居中天,权舆佛法之地”,实为“腾、兰二神僧开教之绪”。仲华文才后来到了佛教“四大名山”之一的五台山,成为五台山名刹佑国寺的开山第一代主持。这篇碑文,应是他卓锡白马寺时所撰。碑文楷书,字体潇洒工整,丰神秀骨,实为不可多得的书法艺术珍品。因此碑不曾留下书丹者姓名,碑文究竟出自谁手,遂成一桩悬案。但字体为“赵体”。



























































today, i'm going to show you a famous tourist attraction in luoyang - baimatemple. baima temple is located about 12 kilometers east of luoyang city. it isclose to mangshan mountain in the north and luoshui river in the south. it hastowering pagodas, towering halls, long forests and ancient trees. not far to theeast, the ancient city wall of hazelnut groves still meanders on the yiluo plainintermittently, drawing out the grand outline of kyoto, a great power in thepast. that is the former site of luoyang city in the eastern han dynasty.

baima temple was founded in the 11th year of yongping (ad 68) of theeastern han dynasty. it is the first temple officially established by thegovernment after buddhism was introduced into china. it is the first bodhitaoist temple for buddhism originated from the south asian subcontinent toprosper and develop in the vast land of china. therefore, it has always beencalled "shiyuan" and "zuting" by the buddhist circles. "shiyuan" is thebirthplace of buddhism, "zuting" is the courtyard of the founder. it has playedan important role in the spread and development of buddhism in china, in thepromotion of ideological and cultural exchanges between china and foreigncountries, and in the development of friendship among the people of allcountries. in 1961, the state council announced that baima temple was the firstbatch of national key cultural relics protection units. in 1983, the statecouncil announced that baima temple is the key temple of chinese buddhism inchina. not long ago, on june 2, __, baima temple was designated as a national 4ascenic spot by the national tourism administration.

baima temple was founded in the eastern han dynasty. it was destroyed forthe first time when dong zhuo burned luoyang. then it rose and fell. at the timeof wu zetian, xue huaiyi, who was in charge of the construction, reached itspeak. the most recent large-scale renovation was carried out in 1972 to welcomeprince sihanouk of cambodia with the instruction of premier zhou.

the existing baima temple is a rectangular courtyard facing south, with atotal area of about 60000 square meters. there is a wide square in front of thedoor. the main buildings in the temple are distributed on the central axis fromsouth to north. there are five main halls in front and behind, which aretianwang hall, great buddha hall, daxiong hall and pilu pavilion. on the eastand west sides, there are bell, drum tower, zhaitang, hakka hall, zen hall,ancestral hall, sutra collection pavilion, magic weapon pavilion and otherancillary buildings, which are symmetrical and well arranged. the two stonehorses in front of the mountain gate are 1.8 meters high and 2.2 meters long,with gentle image and round carving. you may ask, are these two horses relatedto the founding history of baima temple?

on the foundation of baima temple, the most popular saying is "baimatuojing". according to records in guan's buddhist books, one night in theseventh year of yongping in the eastern han dynasty, emperor liu zhuang (the sonof liu xiu) spent the night in nangong. he dreamed that a golden man, who wassix feet tall and shining on his head, came from the west and flew around thepalace. the next morning, emperor hanming summoned his ministers and told themthe dream. doctor fu yi said: i heard that there is a god in the west, andpeople call it buddha, just as you dream. after hearing this, emperor han andming believed it, so he sent more than ten ministers, such as cai yin and qinjing, to the western regions to pray for buddhist scriptures and dharma. in ad65, cai yin and others bid farewell to the imperial capital and embarked on thejourney of "seeking scriptures from the west". in dayue kingdom (now afghanistanto central asia), i met indian eminent monks, such as shemoteng and zhufalan. imet buddhist sutras and white felt statues of sakyamuni buddha. i sincerelyinvited the two eminent monks to go to china to preach buddhism. in the tenthyear of yongping (ad 67), two indian eminent monks were invited to carrybuddhist scriptures and statues on white horses together with envoys of theeastern han dynasty to luoyang. emperor hanming was very happy to see thebuddhist scriptures and statues. he was very polite to the two eminent monks. hepersonally received them and arranged for them to stay in honglu temple, theofficial office in charge of foreign affairs at that time. in 68 a.d., emperorhan and ming ordered the construction of monasteries in the north of sanliyuroad outside xiyong gate in luoyang. in memory of the white horse carryingscripture, it was named "white horse temple". the word "si" comes from the word"si" in honglu temple. later, the word "temple" became a general term forchinese temples.

when it comes to baima temple, many visitors will associate it with thestory of "monk tang's learning from scriptures". in fact, from the perspectiveof time, baima temple was more than 560 years earlier than "tang monk's learningscriptures".

the two stone horses in front of us are two excellent stone carvings of thesong dynasty. around 1935, master seng dehao, who presided over the restorationof baima temple, moved them to the front of the mountain gate. as you can see,the gate is a memorial archway style hilltop built in the ming dynasty. in 1987,the top was renovated, and the three characters "white horse temple" on thewooden plaque was inscribed by mr. zhao puchu, the former president of chinabuddhist association. the three gates symbolize the "three gates of liberation"in buddhism, which is called the gate of nirvana in buddhism. the three dooropenings are all made of brick and bluestone. some of them are engraved with thesurnames of craftsmen. from the font, this kind of stone should be a relic ofthe eastern han dynasty, and it is the earliest cultural relic in baimatemple.

on the west side of the gate of baima temple, there is a huge half stonetablet, which is about 1.7 meters high and 1.4 meters wide. it is said that thistablet was written by su yi, a famous scholar and academician of the songdynasty. because its inscription is not written from top to bottom, but iswritten in several rows with short lines, so it is called "duanwen tablet",which is one of the six scenes of baima temple.

on the east side of the mountain gate is the stele of the yuan dynasty,which is 3.5 meters high and 1.15 meters wide. this monument was erected in 1333a.d. and was written by zhong huawencai, a famous monk of huayan in the yuandynasty. it contains the following words: "the man of shangmengjin, flying fromthe west to the west, was bright, and told his dream to his subordinates by chidan", "sent 18 people, including cai yin and qin jing, to visit tianzhu in thewest, and met with samanga, moteng and zhufalan ”the inscriptions call baimatemple "zuting" and "shiyuan", and say "shiyuan is in the middle of heaven, theplace of guanyu buddhism", which is in fact "the enlightenment of teng and lanmonks". zhong hua wencai later went to wutai mountain, one of the "four famousmountains" of buddhism, and became the first leader of youguo temple. thisinscription should have been written by him when he was in zhuoxi baima r script with inscriptions on steles is a rare art treasure ofcalligraphy. therefore, the tablet did not leave the name of the person whowrote the tablet, so it became a pending case. but the font is "zhao style".

in front of this east-west symmetrical building, on the east side is thenewly-built bell tower, in front of which are five "mentou halls" built in theperiod of the republic of china; on the west side is the newly-built drum tower,in front of which is the "yunshui hall" built in the period of the republic ofchina. "mentou hall" and "yunshui hall" have been set up as buddhist lawlogistics office and tourism center.

to the east of the bell tower and to the west of the drum tower, close tothe walls on the east and west sides, are the tombs of two indian monks. the twoeminent monks had been living in baima temple for a long time to translate andpreach buddhist scriptures, where they jointly translated the earliest chinesebuddhist scripture forty two chapters. they passed away in baima temple oneafter another, and were buried in the temple. in front of the tombstone, thereis a tombstone erected in 1634, the seventh year of chongzhen in ming dynasty."tenglan tomb" is also one of the six scenes of baima temple.

now the main hall we see is called tianwang hall, which is the first majorhall in baima temple. this hall is named for the four heavenly kings. facing himis maitreya tatu. he is smiling and amiable. he holds rosary beads in his righthand and cloth ribbon in his left. his image is vivid and interesting. he is asculpture of the ming dynasty. in the buddhist temples of the han nationality inchina, the first hall is usually dedicated to maitreya. when people enter thebuddhist temple, they will first see this happy image, which will produce a kindfeeling to buddhism.

the large niche above the buddha statue is carved with more than 50 dragonsof different shapes. the carving is exquisite, and it is the best wood carvingart of the qing dynasty.

on both sides of the hall, there are four heavenly kings, also known as the"four king kong". they are: the eastern heavenly king holding the kingdom,holding the pipa; the southern heavenly king holding the umbrella in his righthand, holding the demon in his left hand; the western heavenly king holding thedragon in one hand, holding the pearl in the other; the northern heavenly kingholding the pagoda in his hand. according to a chinese custom, one of the magictools they hold is different. they represent "wind", "tune", "rain" and "shun"respectively. the four heavenly kings are a group of clay sculpture works ofqing dynasty, which are burly and majestic.

this statue of wei tuotian general standing in the north, known as the"dharma god", is a clay sculpture of the qing dynasty. it is dressed as amilitary general and stands behind the statue of maitreya. facing sakyamunibuddha, it is performing the task of maintaining the preaching ground andforbidding the invasion of evil spirits.

there are many pomegranate trees planted on the east and west sides of thetemple. people say that "may pomegranate is as red as fire", but in baima templeit is just the opposite, because the pomegranate here is white. every april andmay of the lunar calendar, the trees are full of pomegranate flowers, crystalwhite, jade like snow, very good-looking, really "may pomegranate white assnow.".

the great buddha hall is the second major hall of baima temple. on the eastside of the front of the great buddha hall, there is a stele of "rebuildingbaima temple" written by huang jin in 1556. the stone tablet is 3.8 meters highand 1.03 meters wide, which has important reference value for the study of thehistorical evolution of baima temple.

the great buddha hall is the main hall in the temple, where major buddhistactivities are held. today's great buddha hall was rebuilt in the ming gh it has been rebuilt by later generations, it still has thearchitectural style of the blind generation.

there are seven statues on the altar in the middle of the hall. the statueof sakyamuni buddha in the middle sits on the seat of xumi, with a height of 2.4meters.

the statue here is said to be the image of his last sermon. in this sermon,he did not speak, which is called "speechless sermon". he only held a flower inhis right hand, which made people guess, that is, he "twisted the flower to showit to the public" at the nirvana meeting. the symbol on the chest of the greatbuddha means that the buddha has "boundless blessing" and "perfect harmony ofall virtues". therefore, the body has auspicious appearance, which means "theplace of auspiciousness". wu zetian defined the pronunciation of this symbol as"ten thousand".

on the left side of sakyamuni is mahakaya, the eldest disciple. in this"speechless saying", only he understood the real intention of the buddha, so hebroke his face and smile. later, he was promoted as one of the top ten disciplesof sakyamuni. chinese zen worshipped him as the first generation patriarch ofindian inheritance.

the standing statue on the right is ananda, the eldest disciple. he iswell-known and has a strong memory. he is known as "the first of many stories".chinese zen buddhism also promoted him as the second generation of patriarch whoinherited buddhism in india.

on the left side of jiaye is manjusri bodhisattva, on the right side isprajna sutra, which is known for its profound knowledge and wisdom; on the rightside of ananda is puxian bodhisattva, who holds ruyi hook, whose virtue isperfect and whose merits and demerits are boundless, which is known as"xingyuan".

sakyamuni buddha, manjusri and puxian bodhisattva are collectively known asthe "three sages of sakyamuni". these are three clay sculptures of the mingdynasty. east and west stand by two statues to support heaven and man. they holdflowers in their hands and have a delicate posture. they are also called "sanhuatiannv". when the great buddha preached the sermon, he offered support to heavenand man, and scattered flowers one after another in the high sky.

hanging in the southeast corner of the great buddha hall is a ming dynastybell, which was cast by eunuch huang jin and weighs 2500 jin. it is said thatthere used to be a big bell in the white horse temple. when the moon is whiteand the wind is clear and the people are still, the monks knock on it. the bellrings all over the place, lasting for decades. what's more, as soon as the bigbell rings, the big bell on the clock tower of the old city of luoyang, 25 milesaway, will also ring. as soon as the big bell on the clock tower of the old cityrings, the big bell of baima temple will ring. this is "the bell of horsetemple". it is one of the eight sceneries of luoyang, also known as "midnightbell". it is one of the six sceneries of baima temple.

the southwest corner of the hall is dafa drum. the bells and drums here areall the musical instruments that monks beat when they are engaged in buddhistactivities.

in the rear of the great buddha hall, this sitting statue facing the northis called guanyin bodhisattva. because of its back to the great buddha, it isalso known as "sitting upside down guanyin".

now what we see is the third main hall - daxiong hall. daxiong hall,originally rebuilt in yuan dynasty, was rebuilt in ming and qing dynasties. inthe east wall outside the hall, there is a stone engraved with the supernaturalrecords of the han dynasty by mo teng, which was re established in the songdynasty. bi wu said that it "has a unique typeface like the preface to the holyreligion, and the calligraphy of the northern song dynasty still has the styleof jin and tang dynasties, which is good and lovely." at this moment, the stonerecords the origin of the construction of qiyun tower by emperor han andming.

in the hall, on the ceiling. in the center of the hall, this hugedouble-layer niche with wood carvings and gold stickers is exquisitely carvedand resplendent. in the middle of the upper niche, there is a roc golden wingedbird, which kisses the human body. on both sides of the bird, there are threedragons in relief. according to buddhist legend, the dapeng golden winged birdlikes to eat dragons most. the dragon has no choice but to "complain" to thetathagata buddha. the tathagata buddha draws a bunch of silk from his cassockand covers a dragon with a piece of silk. from then on, the dragon was protectedby the tathagata buddha and no longer worried about the harm of mirs. thetathagata buddha also uses the supernatural power to make the offering changeinfinitely. by substituting the offering for the dragon, it meets therequirements of dapeng golden winged bird and solves the contradiction betweenthe two sides. both the dragon and the bird are happy. the design on the nicheprobably originated from this buddhist legend.

the three main buddhas in the niches are sitting on the lotus throne withknees on both sides. in the middle of the niches is sakyamuni, who is honored as"mahatma", that is to say, he is as powerful as a great warrior. as high as 2.25meters, the whole image gives people a sense of infinite solemnity, holiness andtranquility. on the left side of sakyamuni is the pharmacist buddha of the "pureglass world" in the east, and on the right side is amitabha buddha of the"paradise" in the west. the three buddhas have the same shape and style.

before the three main buddhas, wei tuo and wei li were standing oppositeeach other.

there are eighteen arhats on both sides of the hall. this group of eighteenarhats are sitting statues with different shapes. the height is between1.55-1.61 meters. on the west side, there is a arhat, wearing a corolla and askirt, which is a dignified and elegant female image, while the other 17 statueshave their top cut. some visitors call them the eighteen arhats.

the three main buddhas, the two heavenly generals and the eighteen arhatsin the main hall are all statues of the yuan dynasty. there are 24 maitreyabuddhas in the temple of heavenly kings. they were transferred from the greatbuddha hall of cining palace in 1973. they are rare cultural relics in them, the eighteen arhats are the only remaining set in china and are thetreasure of baima temple.

there are 5056 mural buddhas on the east and west gables.

wei litian, standing at the back of the hall, is the only remaining claysculpture of the yuan dynasty in the temple.

the reception hall is the fourth major hall in the temple. according tobuddhism, buddhists can be welcomed and guided to the western "paradise" byamitabha buddha when they have achieved certain achievements in their the center, the buddha is amitabha, with his right hand extending forward anddownward to make a leading shape, and his left hand pointing to the western"paradise". on the right is guanyin bodhisattva, and on the left is dashizhibodhisattva, collectively known as the "three saints of the west", all of whichare clay sculptures of the qing dynasty. the reception hall was destroyed byfire in tongzhi period of qing dynasty and rebuilt in guangxu period. it is thelatest and the smallest one built in baima temple.

now, please come with me to the qingliangtai. it is said that theqingliangtai used to be a summer resort and a reading place for liu zhuang,emperor of the han and ming dynasties, when he was a child. later, two indianmonks lived here and translated scriptures to preach. the first chinese buddhistsutra, forty two chapters sutra, was translated from this place. since theeastern han dynasty, it has always been a place for collecting scriptures. thename of qingliangtai originates from monk qingruxiu, and is known as the firstof the six scenic spots in baima temple. such as xiu neng, wen neng, poetry,calligraphy and painting are good. he named the six important monuments in baimatemple as the six sceneries of baima temple, which are qingliang terrace,burning sutra terrace, qiyun terrace, midnight bell, tenglan tomb and duanwenstele.

the whole stage, with pilu pavilion as the center, is surrounded by theaccessory hall, monk's room and veranda, forming a closed courtyard. pilupavilion is the last main hall in the temple. it was rebuilt in the mingdynasty, with double eaves resting on the top of the mountain. in the middle ofthe buddhist altar in the temple, the main statue is maha piluzana buddha, orpilu buddha for short, which means "da ri buddha", symbolizing the light andboundless buddhism. pilufa, an important sect in buddhism, is the highestworshipped by tantrism (also known as zhenyanzong)

标签:2023年 洛阳 白马寺 导游 200字 实用 十篇