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the spirit of christmas carol is to give, to forgive, and to love others.i get this message from the story a christmas carol , which is written by charles dickens, a famous english writer in the 19th is about a miserly englishman named ebenezer scrooge, who met three ghosts in a night and then became the best old man in change happened in this way: ebenezer scrooge was a greedy and lonely wanted to spend all his days working so as to make more had a clerk called bob cratchit, and he also wanted him to work all day long without raising his scrooge never felt that he had made enough money he never felt happy, not even on did not feel happy either, because he had to work all the year round with no weekends, holidays, not even christmas, yet still being unable to support his family with his small one christmas day, when scrooge went home after work, there was something strange happening in his he sat down on his sofa to have a tea, a ghost appeared before was scrooge's old partner, marley!scrooge was ghost of marley was chained up by a long iron told scrooge that he needed to change his bad ways otherwise he would also be chained up when he died with even a much longer also told scrooge that there would be three ghosts coming to vist him that then the ghost left him and went the clock struke twelve, the ghost of christmas past took him to his was a lonely and unfortunate one forgot him, even his his younger sister remembered made scrooge remember that he had sent a boy away, who was singing christmas carol in front of his office felt really sorry for the the clock struke one, the ghost of christmas present took him to bob's gh bob's family were not very rich, they still had a good christmas drank for each one's when they came to drink for scrooge's health, everyone looked thought scrooge was good for the ghost took him to scrooge's nephew's were having a christmas party were talking about thought scrooge was a miser who did not use his money to do anything e made a reflection on how to spend his money doing good deeds after he heard the clock struk two and the ghost of christmas future took scrooge to a funeral was his own funeral but no one was sorry for made scrooge know that if he did not change his miserly ways, he would have an awful result and a miserable one would miss him when he trip gave scrooge a good warning and he became a generous and kind man ever since the next sent a turkey to bob and gave to the importantly, he gave bob a pay-rise!

the spirit of christmas is to give, to forgive, and to love others.a man who gets a lot of money but with no generosity will never live a happy will spend a life of unhappiness and a poor man with a generous heart will live his life in happiness and need to forgive others when they hurt you or harm you, just like what scrooge's nephew did in the forgave scrooge when scrooge said something which hurt him a also need to love others, just like what scrooge did at the end of the sent a big turkey to bob and gave him a us be generous and kind, both to the poor and the strangers, our friends and that way we will live a happy and lovely life in the world!


a christmas carol is one of the most famous works of charles dickens, who is a criticism writer in the 19th works mainly reflect the i like his works very s dickens was born in 1812, had many difficulties during his r, these experiences enriched his life, at the same time, supporting many writing materials for his wrote more than 20 novels in all, reflecting the hate to the money and the sympathy to the common works, such as great expectations, a tale 0f tw0 cities, were affected by many novel told a people who regard money as important as his own on christmas eve, he was also quite mean to are five chapters in r 1 introduced scrooge's character and marley, his friend's language was very beautiful and active.i like this part followed there was a part of word to describe scrooge: he was a hard man with money, hard as a was a secret self-contained man;friendless and coldness inside him froze his old eyes were thin lips were seemed to stiffen his way of hair on his head and above his eyes was white, white as carries this coldness with him always wherever he part illustrated scrooge was a cold grasped the money the following story, scrooge refused his nephew invitation to have the dinner with his he always scolded the christmas is didn't believe the existence of christmas and didn't want to share his happiness and money with had dinner in an inn and then went had rooms in a house which had once belonged to d sat quietly on the suddenly there is a big knocker on the was marley's ghost was bound by the heavy chain and told scrooge its tragic ghost told scrooge that three spirits will come to scrooge and then faded chapter 2 to chapter 4, it talked about the three first spirit stood for the showed the happy times in the past of the past scrooge always said “merry christmas” to whoever he loved life and enjoyed everything in his this part the spirit also showed the first work of boss, fezziwig, treated them very well on scrooge gradually loved money more than his his lover parted with 's the money that made scrooge lost many second stands for the this part , scrooge is a greedy has no mercy to everything and waste of his third spirit stands for the this part, it showed that scrooge regret what he had scrooge was impressed at understood money is not the only thing that is worth to and care were important the last chapter, that is chapter 5, scrooge changed himself and gave mercy to the he had dinner with his in all, this story has a perfect this story, i realized that in this world, money is not also need love and help.














圣诞欢歌是一部非 常短小但又极具影响力的小说,它的出现使当时的人们对它爱不释手,它也是狄更斯自己极为推荐的一部经典之作。故事讲的是一位本性善良,但因为受环境影响,变得非常小小气、吝啬、刻薄的商人,他在平安夜被三个精灵分别带到了自己过去、现在和未来的生活场景,看到了未来的自己,并因此彻底醒悟,领会到生活的意义,决心改过自新。







本书主人公艾比尼泽。斯克罗吉是一位脾气暴躁、可怜、吝啬的老头儿。当他外甥在圣诞前夜去看望他并祝他圣诞快乐时,斯克罗吉一点儿也不高兴。“呸!骗人的东西!” 他说。“圣诞节都是骗人的东西!所有到处游逛说圣诞快乐的人的舌头都应该被割掉。是的,他会的!”





标签:2023年 圣诞 恋歌 读后感 三篇